Wesley Methodist Church

A church for all in the heart of the city

Wesley Church Centenary

Follow a link, then click on the arrow symbols to move to the next photo, or click on the photo itself to see it at full size in Flickr.

Flower Festival

71 photos

Wesley Centenary - Flower Festival

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Centenary Garden & Flower Bed

10 photos

Wesley Centenary - Centenary Garden & Flower Bed

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Centenary Stone & Inscription

13 photos

Wesley Centenary - Stone & Inscription

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Opening service & lunch

10 photos

Opening service & lunch

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Centenary Day

12 photos

Centenary Day

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8 photos


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4 photos


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Centenary Challenge

7 photos

Wesley Centenary - Centenary Challenge

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"Rock" production

9 photos

Wesley Centenary - "Rock" production

The organising team

3 photos

The organising team

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