Wesley Methodist Church

A church for all in the heart of the city

First time here

New to Cambridge?

Welcome stewardsAt the present time there is one service every Sunday at 10.30am

You will be warmly welcomed when you arrive, and we invite you to stay for refreshments and fellowship after the service.

New to Christianity?

Christian worship is open not just to believers but to all who want to know about Jesus Christ.

Jesus preached the Gospel - the good news of the Kingdom of God. Through Jesus' death on the cross, and his resurrection, Christians believe that God has broken the power of all that is evil, in the world and in ourselves. If we accept forgiveness and liberation, and are willing to be open to Him, God can enable us to resist evil and to live life to the full.

To find out more about basic Christianity, visit the Christianity website. To spend more time exploring what Christianity can mean for you, and what it actually does mean for others, try the ReJesus website.

New to Methodism?

Methodists are a Protestant church, founded by John Wesley 300 years ago. They are known for:

Find out more from the Methodist Church's website.